Monday, 23 January 2012

Constitutional Law CSS Optional Subject Suggested Books

Constitutional Law

World Constitutions by Vishnoo Bhagwan...for US, UK, French, USSR constitutions.
World Constitutions by Kayli (Bhatti publishers)...for Indian constitution.

For Pakistani Constitution read any one of the following books:

Constitutional development of Pakistan by A.G. Choudhry
Constitution of Pakistan by M. Monir
Studies in the Constitution of Pakistan by Dr. Safdar Mahmood

P.S: The syllabus of Constitutional Law (6 constitutions) is almost the same as that of Paper-II of Political Science (9 constitutions) except that the former is a bit shorter than the latter. Those of you who have opted Political Science as an optional subject are strongly advised to opt for Constitutional Law along with it in order to save your precious preparation time.

International Law CSS Optional Subject Suggested Books

International Law

Introduction to International Law by J.S. Starke OR International Law by M.N. Shaw
International Law by Agarwal
International Law by L.N. Tandon
International Law: Questions and answers guide by Mansoor Book Depot.

P.S: Start your study with the questions and answers guide by Mansoor Book Depot. It will give you basic concepts in easy to understand language and then afterwards you can move your way up to the Indian authors and finally the English Authors.

Public Administration CSS Optional Subject Suggested Books

Public Administration

Public Administration by Laxmikaanth
Public Administration by A.R. Tyagi
Public Administration by Sultan Khan or Public Administration by Dr. Liaquat Ali Khan.

P.S: If you have opted Political Science as one of your optional subjects along with Public Administration then the preparation of Political Science will surely complement your preparation of Public Administration and will help you a lot in attempting its paper. Therefore, I recommend opting Public Administration as one of the optional subjects only to those people who have strong concepts in Political Science.

Political Science CSS Optional Subject Suggested Books

Paper I

Books for Western Philosophers

Political Thought from Plato to present by Judd Harmon
Western Political Thought by Mujahid Farooq

Books for Muslim Philosophers

Muslim Political Thought by Rosanthal.
Muslim Political Thought by M. Aslam Chaudhry

Books for Political Principles

Political Theory by V.D.MAHAJAN.
Introduction to Political Science, Theory and Practice by Mazhar-ul-Haq

Paper II

World Constitutions by Vishnoo Bhagwan...for US, UK, French, USSR and Chinese constitutions.
World Constitutions by Kayli (Bhatti publishers)...for Indian constitution.
World Constitutions by Dr. Sarwar Ali…for Pakistani, Iranian and Turkish constitutions.
For studying the Pakistani Constitution in further detail, you may like to read any one of the following books:
Constitutional development of Pakistan by A.G. Choudhry
Constitution of Pakistan by M. Monir
Studies in the Constitution Of Pakistan by Dr. Safdar Mahmood

P.S: For certain past paper questions and topics of Iranian, Chinese and Turkish constitutions, you’ll also have to search through the resources available over the internet. For example, the questions like Iranian Revolution, Cultural Revolution, Kamalism are not available in the above-mentioned books so you will have to search the internet (Wikipedia etc.) to find the right material.